Monday, August 4, 2008

Last Day

Well I guess this is the end of the class. I have learned a lot and have come to enjoy blogging a bit more than I ever expected. I am a bit disappointed that my Google Analytics stopped working during the summer, but hey what are you going to do? I reinstalled it yesterday but it is kind of a lost cause now. I hope everyone has a great summer.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Yea Yea its a great day

I finally got my Google Gadget finished. I am so excited. Now I just have to figure out how to display it on my blog. Any ideas?

It's been a busy week and I feel like I have been in wireless network hell! Having not worked with wireless LANs I had no idea that it was so complicated to plan. I just hope I can get all of the details taken care of tonight so my group can put this networking project to rest. Yea!!! It is almost Summer break.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Google Gadget Day

Okay, today will be the day that I finally tackle this google gadget. The thing has been hanging over my head now for weeks. I hope making my own will be like doing the tutorial because I am a bit worried about it. On another note, we worked on our Networking group project yesterday and hopefully got a lot of it knocked out of the way. I can't wait until August. I just have to make it through the next few assignments and test and then we get a little reprieve. Guess I better get to work.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Oh let me count the day(s)

Alright. Time is flying. Can't believe 2 weeks have gone by already. Reading about IPv6 now and also about 4G technology. Pretty interesting stuff. Trying to figure the whole google gadget thing. Not quite sure how to add the backend database. I seem to get more tired day by day. About to go study for this networking test. Woo Hoo.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

OMG! What a day!

Okay, so I took off work to work on my paper for Dr. Money. Good idea, poorly executed. I really should have left the house earlier because I got very little done. Mostly research. I had to go to Panera so I could concentrate. But of course here there are even better distractions like pastries and sandwiches. So much for that diet I started last week. I had better ask the "research paper fairy" to help me out otherwise I am in trouble. And to top it off I still have to do my google gadget. And oh, don't we have a test on Saturday too?

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Daylight come and me wan' go home. Here I am, a Thursday before class, at work and trying to study. Studying at work seems to be a good strategy for me. Spent most of the week at an event call "Infomation Assurance Days (IA) Days". Very interesting. Most of the topics centered around Mission Assurance and defending our networks. The internal and external threats to our computer networks are very real these days and this seminar really emphasized that. Times are a changing fast and we all need to keep up.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

What a day for a daydream

Back in class today. Thank goodness the weather is awful so I don't feel like I am missing anything. Something is going on with my blog URL. It keeps adding "#label1" to the end of my URL. Well class should be good today we are going to learn about making gadget.